This work package covers all the management activities needed to keep the project on track and meet its goals efficiently. It aims to make sure everything stays on schedule, within budget, and fair for everyone. It also handles data management and ethics compliance. The main goals are to make sure we meet all project objectives according to the plan; manage the project’s finances and administration well; monitor quality and progress; handle risks; communicate with and report to the European Commission (EC); ensure the project is as sustainable and low-carbon as possible; connect with other initiatives that have similar goals.


Deliverable (Number)

Deliverable name

Short name of lead participant  Delivery date Dissemination Level
D1.1 Project Management and
Quality assurance plan
E3M March 2024 SEN
D1.2 Risk management plan E3M April 2024 SEN
D1.3 Data management plan E3M April 2024 SEN
D1.4 Data management plan – Update E3M April 2026 SEN